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Papergirl Calgary Announcement

Papergirl Calgary opening at the Epcor Centre.

Papergirl is based on the idea that art should be accessible to everyone. Originating in Berlin, Papergirl events have been happening all over the world. Local and international 2D submissions are sent to the host. These works are displayed temporarily before being rolled up and randomly delivered around the community to the public via bikes, just like newspaper delivery! There is also a series of workshops for bike decorating and delivery training. Volunteers are still needed for distribution. Check out the site for more info and links to other papergirl cities.


I’ve donated two of the sewing paper experiments; Why Can’t We Be Friends? And I’m fine thanks.

 I'm fine thanks.    Why can't we be friends?

From the Papergirl site:

Art should be accessible to everyone.

That is the spirit behind Papergirl: a pedal-powered, volunteer based,  community oriented art project. Papergirl redefines “street-art”. It also questions where the value and meaning lies in art: within the object itself, within its symbolic narrative, its economic prowess, its historical context and so on, and so forth.

Photo by Swerve

When will this happen? Thursday August 9th, 2012.

Posted in Announcements, Make, Shows.

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