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Pumpjack at Compression Camp

Compression Camp is an event put on by EMMEDIA. The goal is to make a video in a compressed amount of time.

Pumpjack examines the prairie icon by concentrating on the characteristic nodding motion of a pumpjack. Pumpjack is a meditative deconstruction of the rhythmic movement of the machine, that pulls liquids out of the earth.  

Pumpjacks are symbols of the oil and gas industry that is alternatively vilified or acclaimed. They convert a rotary movement into a vertical reciprocating motion to drive the pump shaft, and pull oil or gas out of the ground. They dot the countryside and mark the location of a producing well. But they are in decline in the landscape, as newer, more improved technology replaces this dinosaur. This video examines the Pumpjack with as little political comment as possible, concentrating more on the movement and the components of this easily recognized machine.

When did this happen? May 9-14 2011 in Calgary Alberta.

Posted in Events, Make.

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