A fellow Calgary artist, Luba Diduch, is studying in Bath asked me to send some video/stills of landscape or audio samples that she could use in a re-mix. I sent her three clips of the Himalayas. This is what she made.
 The clip also uses a still image from Kris Thoreson (a photographer who teaches at the U of C), an image Luba took at Corsham Court in Bath. The audio track is from a recording made of an opera singer’s performance in the square in Bath, along with accompanying street sounds, slowed way down. Of course, this is all still a work in progress, so there are parts she isn’t quite happy with, but for a generative piece and an experimental process it feels whole.
She is using some sort of Max/MSP program? plugin? something? to do this. Update: Luba is using Livid CellDNA to do this project.
Luba is investigating different ways that people can access artworks, including via participating in them… different entry points into artworks as well as distributed authorship.