1. EMMEDIA gave me my copy of the Grain publication in which Kay Burns has and article about Sans Facon’s Limelight, which is actually here in Calgary for the HPR. I probably would not have heard of it if I hadn’t read the article.
2. At Laurie Anderson’s performance I ran into a couple of friends. After Another Day in America was over we went for a little jaunt to Olympic Plaza and had a bit of fun in Limelight doing some jazz hands, some power slides on our knees and with no grace at all, I did a swan pose while my companions helped turn me in a circle. The coincidence did not go as far as me having my skates magically in my handbag.
Incidentally, after we’d had our fun another threesome came along and blast in the spot light. Hopefully they had a lot of people stop by. I also hope the photos get posted somewhere.
3. While surfing around Ninjamatics 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards I clicked on Punam Gill’s weblog because I recognized her name from her movie Young Masters. On her site she talked about helping with the video linked below. I’m not sure why I clicked or why I kept watching but I almost came off my chair in surprise when I recognized Martin and those gloves! Martin was played by Adam a co-worker and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen gloves like that for the scanner cleaning.
What is three coincidences in short order called? A hat trick? A Turkey? Ellipsis? Orion’s belt? I asked Google and here is a list of things that are known for being in three. And all of this on Friday the 13th.
Phew, that felt like a lot of linking and name dropping, but that is how coincidence works.
When did this happen? The week of January 9-16, 2012.